Wall Demo Day 5 (of 7)

The Team is on FIRE!  One request.  Action is granted.  The Carpet is gone, and now we have a concrete floor that is a little porous from the glue.  Approval to move ahead to paint the floor black.  Now I need to get a 5 gallon bucket of Flat Black to paint this 400 SQ FT area.  And if there's extra, who knows where that may end up!


Wall Demo Day 3 (of 7)

My full footprint of Studio A is now visible.  I am taking these iPhone shots from the same angle each day to watch it elapse.  I believe there is still some finishing work to do.  The guys continue to keep pounding the work, so that is great.  It is time to start getting some bookings on the calendar people!

Wall Demo Day 2 (of 7)

Let there be LIGHT!  All the wiring, electrical, and sheet rock have been removed to see the bigger space.  It is also very bright now!  I can get very creative in here.  Each wall will have it's own characteristic.  I can back-light subjects on the west wall, or use a backdrop on the north wall, or give them full natural light on the east wall.  The south wall has the built-in cabinets and recessed lighting that could be used.  I could also add my own shadow props like a four-pane window frame.  I also have a GoBo pattern for that look, too.  The possibilities are endless.


Wall Demo Day 1 (of 7)

I needed a wall removed to allow for longer shooting depths.  This is day 1 with Donnie ready, talented, and willing to adjust the decor.  I sent him on a quest to find a left handed smoke shifter for the nail gun.  I haven't seen him for awhile.  Anyway, this will be Studio A, 16'x25'.  You are standing on the backdrop wall, looking at where I will be tethered from as I shoot.  The windows will be draped with light blocking black curtains.  However, it is easily transformable into a natural light studio with extra foam core panels and reflector top.  There are plans to raise the drop ceiling for a more industrial modern feel.  Phase II TBD.  Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's progress, aren't you?



New Studio

I am excited to announce that my studio will be ready to move in November 1, 2017.  They are removing one wall to allow for a longer shooting area.  There will be one or two other studios that can accomodate other types of photography.  We will have a conference or viewing room to reveal your portraits after retouching is complete.  Maybe I will post iphone shots of the demo progress here.  Stay Tuned...
